Getting Started

Setup your Project

SimpleLog is heavily inspired by Discord's Server & Channel system, but we rename it to Project & Channel. Within each project, you can create as many channels to organize events.

  1. To get started, login with your GitHub account here.

Login to SimpleLog

  1. Setup your first project and channel. In the example below, I call my project as simple-log, and my first channel as user-signup.

Setup first project and channel in SimpleLog

The project and channel name should be lowercase! Alphabet characters, digits, and dashes "-" are accepted.

Copy your Token

After you setup your first project and channel, you will be redirected to API page. Your API requests are authenticated using these API keys. Any request that doesn't include an API key will return an error.

Copy your first API token

⚠️ Currently, you should log your events server-sided only. There's no layer of protection for public token yet.

Log event

Now you can publish your first event to SimpleLog. Simply make a POST request to the log endpoint (You can use Playground to help you setting up the request).

Once you have published your event, it will show up in the SimpleLog App in real-time, and you will receive a push notification if you have set the notify flag to true.


var payload = JSON.stringify({  project: "simple-log",  channel: "user-signup",  event: "New User SignUp",  description: "email:",  icon: "🤩",  notify: true,})var requestOptions = {  method: "POST",  headers: {    "Content-Type": "application/json",    Authorization: "Bearer API_TOKEN",  },  body: payload,}fetch("", requestOptions)  .then((response) => response.json())  .catch((error) => console.log("error", error))

🎉 !

Awesome! You've just log your first event!